Contains:  Solar system body or event
A planet Curious!, Astroavani - Avani Soares

A planet Curious!



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The planet Saturn is named in reference to the Roman god Saturn mythology, but has been called Kronos and Ninib Star.

With an equatorial circumference of 378,600 kilometers, Saturn is the largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter.

Saturn orbits the Sun at about 9.5 times the distance from Earth to the Sun and therefore receives nearly 100 times less light than our planet.

A year on Saturn is equivalent to almost 30 years on Earth. While a year on Earth has 8760 hours a year on Saturn has 262 800. Who was born in the Earth year 1985 would have only one year in Saturn.

As Saturn rotates fast around its own axis, the day there goes fast: just 10 hours. This means that the Saturnian year is 26,280 days.

Saturn is not the only planet in the Solar System to possess rings. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have their.

Saturn's rings are made up of seven main rings, separated by some empty tracks, with ice particles, dust and rocky material with varying sizes.

The rings were baptized with D, C, B, A, F, G and E (the closest is the D and the far, E). They were named alphabetically in the order they were discovered.

The most accepted theory for the emergence of Saturn's rings assumed that they would be remnants of a destroyed moon after the collision with another celestial body.

Saturn's rings have no less than 60,000 kilometers wide.

Saturn is plagued by storms so colossal that can be observed from Earth. The winds can reach 2000 km / h during these storms.

We have found evidence of lightning storms in four planets of the solar system, and one of them is Saturn.

Saturn is the least dense planet in the Solar System. If there was a giant pool, it would float off with it.

Saturn sends into space twice more energy than it receives from the sun. This means that the planet is generating energy inside.

Saturn is flattened at the poles. The difference between the diameter of its equator and its poles is 10%.

Saturn has five irregular satellites called Inuit group. It is formed by moons with names removed from the Inuit language (people of the Northern Hemisphere known as Eskimo): Tarqeq, siarnaq, Paaliaq, Ijiraq and Kiviuq.

Mimmas, one of Saturn's moons, is similar to the Death Star, a giant ship of the series of Star Wars films.

It is suspected that Rhea, the second largest satellite of Saturn, is surrounded by rings. If the suspicion is confirmed, Rhea will be the only moon in the solar system with rings.

Titan is the second largest moon in the Solar System, behind Jovian moon Ganymede. It is 50% greater than the Earth's moon.

Scientists have recently proved the existence of propylene, the raw material of plastic, in the atmosphere of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn.

Titan is indeed the only moon in the solar system with a dense atmosphere.

Enceladus has water reservoirs beneath its surface. This was only discovered after finding that there was huge water eruptions that moon - a sign that its core should be strangely hot.

A team of American and Dutch astronomers found a planet outside the solar system with a system of giant rings, 200 times greater than that of Saturn. The most surprising is that some of the material of these rings is aggregating and forming moons.

Source: + What Curiosities / 06.19.2015



A planet Curious!, Astroavani - Avani Soares